Our Mission

We strive to create an inclusive and supportive community where guests can share their passion for food, exchange ideas, and forge lasting connections.

Our Commitment

We believe that cooking should be a joyful experience, and our mission is to make it accessible to all. Whether you’re a novice cook or a seasoned food enthusiast, our classes are designed to cater to various skill levels and interests.

Your Experience

At The Twisted Fork, we want to elevate the guest cooking experience by offering enjoyable and interactive cooking classes in an inviting kitchen. You will have a true hands-on experience, one-on-one time with Chefs, and leave with a true sense of accomplishment and more confidence in the kitchen.

What We Offer

  • Professional Chef and Guest Chefs from the Panhandle and surrounding areas teaching you their specialties
  • Diverse courses focusing on various cooking methods, baking, international cuisines, and flavor profiling 
  • Classes tailored for every skill level where you learn by hands-on and demonstration
  • Comprehensive Menu Packets with culinary tips
  • Intimate class setting where everyone gets one-on-one instruction and assistance
  • A comfortable environment, perfect for guests to apply new skills to their home kitchen
  • Private and Group Classes, Team Building, Kids Camps, and Offsite Events